Mission & Vision

Our Mission

At Life Center our mission can broken down into 4 quadrants;
  1. CONNECT : Reach out and connect in love to our neighbors while encouraging a relationship with our savior.
  2.  CHANGE: Inspire change by equipping you with knowledge of the word of God for your spiritual transformation and development.
  3. CULTIVATE: Disciple the discipled, reveal our testimony in Christ, plant and nurture seeds of faith for spiritual growth of another.
  4. CELEBRATE: Your growth, accomplishments, and faithfulness is nothing to look past. We celebrate what God has done for and through you!

Our Vision

Our Vision at Life Center Church of the Apostolic Faith is to bring the gospel of Jesus Christ to a dying world and as a result empower men and women through the
 Holy Spirit to conquer sin and the many trials of this life.

Our focus is not only upon the soul but also upon the mind and body. We believe there is a whole person that needs ministering to and in that there are multiple dimensions and aspects to ministry. Christ is our example in all things and as he fed the
multitude the word of God he also fed them fish and bread.

We believe and proclaim 3 John 1:2 (KJV), "Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth. God desires for us to be saved and make it to heaven to live with him for eternity to be healthy in spirit, soul and body.

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